Thursday, May 8, 2008

How To Reduce Paper Usage

Keep all documents and tax forms in a designated file, drawer, or even box. As long as they are safe, and you know where they are, you can avoid requesting a duplicate copy.

E-file state and federal income returns.

Almost all levels of the government make it easy for you to e-file you income taxes. Many taxpayers with simple returns can even e-file them free.

E-file all quarterly tax payments.

This only applies to business owners and self-employed taxpayers, but is important to remember throughout the year. You can also prepay a tax payment and then not have to worry about the future tax returns at all.

Save copies of online purchases on thumb drives instead of printing them out. You will only need a printed version if you are audited. Otherwise you can just store the data electronically.

Use software or electronic payments for payroll taxes.

If you have to make payroll payments you should always make these payments over the telephone or online.

Use a virtual fax instead of a fax machine.

Most faxes these days are merely records of a transaction anyway. Moreover, if you do need to sign and return something, you can just print the fax out.

If you intend to buy a new car, consider making the purchase online.

In addition, you can electronically file all related vehicle taxes and registrations.

Use both sides of the page.

When you are printing long documents, always remember to print on both sides of each piece of paper. If everyone followed this rule, we could literally cut paper usage by half.

Always use the print preview.

So much paper is wasted on printer errors that could have been caught by simply taking two seconds to check the preview.